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Eudora Pro Configuration Instructions





Eudora Pro Configuration Instructions

1) Open Eudora

2) Under "Tools" select "options" at the bottom.
This opens the options box. On the left side is a list of Icons that you can select and change the settings for each on the right.
Note: This may be in a different location.
Older versions of Eudora had this listed as under Special menu - > Settings.

3) Select the icon "Getting Started". You should now see the options screen.

Getting Started

4) Real Name (Optional): Fill this in with your name.In this case John Doe.

5) Next fill in the Reply Address with your e-mail address.

(for example)

If your Internet login name is - jdoe

then you will want to type in - [email protected]

6) Where it says Mail Server (Incoming) to type in - www.yourdomain.com

7) The Login name will be the same as your Internet user name.

8) Where it says SMTP Server (Outgoing) to type in - www.yourdomain.com

9) Now Select the Icon for "Checking Mail" on the left side.

Checking Mail

10) Enter this in the Mail Server space: www.yourdomain.com

11) Now on the right side fill in the Login name.

12) Now Select the Icon for "Incoming Mail" on the left side.

Incoming Mail

13) Make sure it's set to POP NOT IMAP

14) Click on the Sending Mail button on the side.

Sending Mail

15) This should look like the above, no changes need to be made.

16) Press OK.



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