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Outlook 2000 Wizard





This walks through the setup wizard for Outlook 2000.


1) Select Create a new Internet Mail Account, and hit next.

ICW - Name

2) Where is says Display Name: Put in your name, and hit next.

ICW - E-Mail Address

3) For E-mail address, put in your Username followed by @ and then your domain name.

Such as [email protected], and hit next.

ICW- Server Names

4) Incoming Mail server should be POP3.

5) In the Incoming mail server: Put www.yourdomain

6) For the Outgoing mail server: put the same, then hit next.

ICW- Account Name

7) Where it says Account name:

(Type in your login/user name - NOT your entire e-mail address)

8) Where it says Password:

(Your password), then hit next.

ICW- Connect1

9) Click on the Dot next to Connect using my Phone Line, and hit next.

ICW - Connect2

9) Click on the Dot next to Use an Existing connection.

10) Select the connection you use to connect to the Internet.

11) Press Next.

ICW- Finished

12) Press Finish, and you are done.




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